Drive in Pickleball

Drive in Pickleball

Mastering the Drive in Pickleball: Understanding Groundstrokes and Drives One of the fundamental skills in pickleball is the drive, particularly as part of groundstrokes. Groundstrokes are shots made after the ball has bounced once, unlike volleys which are hit before the ball bounces. Mastering the drive in pickleball is crucial for improving your pickleball game….

Tennis Elbow from Playing Pickleball

Tennis Elbow from Playing Pickleball

Understanding Tennis Elbow and Golfers from Pickleball Tennis Elbow from Playing Pickleball is very common. As the sport continues to grow in popularity, Tennis Elbow and Golfers are becoming more frequent injuries among pickleball players. These conditions, medically known as lateral epicondylitis and medial epicondylitis, result from overuse of the forearm muscles. The repetitive motion…

Pickleball for Beginners

Pickleball for Beginners

Pickleball for Beginners: Why It’s the Perfect Sport for You Pickleball for Beginners: Why should you start playing pickleball? This sport offers fun, fitness, and community in one package. It appeals to everyone, from beginners to seasoned athletes. The simplicity of the game makes it accessible and enjoyable. Is Pickleball Easy for Beginners? Yes, pickleball…